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Abstracts at ASCO Quality

The MOQC team had 4 abstracts accepted as poster presentations at the ASCO Quality meeting this fall –

“Palliative radiation therapy pathway for patients on hospice in a statewide quality improvement collaborative”
By lead author Natalia Simon

“Increasing Tobacco Cessation Counseling & Referral in a Statewide Oncology Collaborative”
By lead author Mariem Ruiz Martínez

“Clinical and nonclinical factors associated with a complete family history in a statewide quality improvement consortium”
By lead author Shayna Weiner

“Characterization of an embedded clinical oncology pharmacy model across the State of Michigan”
By lead author Emily Mackler

The meeting was September 30-October 1, and there was good engagement with our presentations. Please reach out to if you’d like to see or learn more about any of the posters.

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