The MOQC Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV) – Antiemetics initiative aims to improve the quality of care provided to patients receiving chemotherapy throughout Michigan. The initiative supports practices in conducting baseline assessments, implementing quality improvement processes, and providing resources for provider and patient education.
Practice Benefits
- Access to current patient and provider resources for CINV symptom management
- Available performance data in the area of CINV guideline adherence
- Opportunities to improve value-based reimbursement (VBR) targets
- Sharing best practices and processes
ASCO & NCCN recommend that high emetic chemotherapy regimens receive 4-drug prophylaxis.
- Resources Page
- Keynote Slides from January, 2022 Biannual Meeting: Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV): General Principles and Current Standard of Care
- Slides from January, 2022 Biannual Meeting: Increasing the Use of Olanzapine in Patients Receiving Chemotherapy in a Community Practice
Description of MOQC Resources
- Site visits/phone calls as needed
- Support in identifying gaps in care and targeted quality improvement measures
- Data analysis and report to practice
- Support in abstract, poster and/or manuscript writing and submission
- Support in outcome summary for PO or hospital/clinic administration
- Focus on self-care management
- Can be revised by practice
- Updated documents stored online
- Medication education documents
- Oral oncolytic binder which provides a variety of tools to enhance quality improvement efforts and adherence to QOPI measures