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MOQC Certification Pathway

Certification PathwayMOQC is gearing up to provide a certification pathway for practices, starting in 2024. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has agreed to offer a generous 12% Value-Based Reimbursement (VBR) opportunity for those practices that achieve the criteria in the certification pathway.

Feedback from our practices, both via task force participation and through feedback during the open comment period, has yielded a robust and comprehensive set of eligibility criteria for certification. If your practice reaches the goals set forth by the criteria below, you can be confident that you are providing quality care to people who have cancer and to their caregivers.

MOQC practices will successfully achieve certification by satisfying these criteria below.

1. In 2024, reach targets on at least 80% of these MOQC certification measures AND submit an action plan for any measures for which targets are not met.

2. Schedule a site visit for certification during 2024. During the site visit your practice will be evaluated according to multiple facets of ideal quality care.

Certification Pathway Chart Q3-23

Stay tuned for more details, especially regarding site visit evaluation criteria, which will be published in the VBR fact sheet for payout in 2025. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan will publish VBR fact sheets closer to the beginning of 2024 and MOQC will share that information as soon as it is available.

We are excited to partner with you as your practice pursues certification. If you are already providing the highest quality care, let’s recognize that and celebrate together! If you still have some work to do, we will be happy to provide resources and support. And for everyone, we continue to expect and foster perpetual advancements in quality improvement so that people with cancer can access the best care.

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